Play & Learn at St. John's
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open.
The Youngn's program is for two year olds, turning three during the school year. Youngn's follow a structured routine guided by weekly themes including seasons, holidays, sizes, shapes, colors, and numbers. Each class session the children participate in creative play, a guided lesson with theme based stories and songs, small group craft work, snack, and outdoor play. Youngn's allows children to gain independence and confidence, learn to share, listen and cooperate in a classroom setting, and develop characteristics which will affect their life-long love of learning.
The Middies program is for three year old children turning four during the school year. Middies have weekly themes. During each class the children participate in creative play, gathering where students hear stories and learn in depth about the week’s theme, table activities, snack and outdoor play. Music is wound into all activities during the day. Our goal for each child is to provide a fun, developmentally appropriate learning environment where independent learners blossom.
The Pre-K program is for four year old children turning five during the school year. This program teaches readiness skills through our theme based curriculum. The children's instructional setting exposes them to craft projects, music, literature, movement activities, number and letter sense and science lessons. The children's social skills are enhanced through co-operative play and working in both large and small group settings. The Full Day Pre-K child will have additional lesson time, which further enhances valuable concepts and thinking skills. Our Pre-K children become independent, self-confident, socially, emotionally and academically well-adjusted learners, who are well prepared for their transition into Kindergarten.

Bev Borkowski - Lead Teacher, Middies

Maureen Cosenza - Asst. Teacher, Middies

Karen Delaney - Bookkeeper

Donna Dickson - Lead Teacher, Middies

Carrie Engel - Director

Sondra Haley - Lead Teacher, Pre K

Margie Klein - Asst. Teacher, Youngn's

Margaret Malloy - Asst. Teacher, Pre K

Kathy Roman - Asst. Teacher, Middies

Liz Rosti - Lead Teacher, Youngn's / Creative Crew